Ankara Heights
Ankara / Turkey , 2017
Ankara's Southern Gateway...
The project, which will be located on the backdrop of dense forest texture as you enter the city from the Konya direction, is almost the southern entrance gate of Ankara. The project land is located at approximately the highest elevation of Dikmen, one of the highest hills of Ankara. For this reason, it dominates the city from all directions. It overlooks Gölbaşı and İncek campus from the south through forest lands, and the view of Ankara from other directions. In all these aspects, the project has been prepared with the foresight that it will be a project to be watched and monitored.
Overcoming Density...
Considering the approximately 80m elevation difference on the short side of the plot and the dense construction area, the most important problems to be solved are as follows:

1- Solution of pedestrian and vehicle traffic
Most of the project area is road fronted. There are elevation differences of approximately 80 meters between these roads. Functions are zoned both horizontally and vertically, and pedestrian and vehicle access opportunities are provided from almost every elevation that has a relationship with the road. In addition, an open shopping street/courtyard has been created thanks to the inner courtyard created at +1228 level. This courtyard, which will host prestigious brands, cafes and restaurants, also provides a flat foot connection to all points of the project.

2- Morphological order
Due to the physical structure of the land, function distinctions such as Residential Towers, Home-Offices and Trade have been made, especially vertically. The part we define as home-office is divided again into parts to form courtyards on the horizontal plane. Each courtyard is zoned to be defined by towers rising from it. Thus, the population density has been narrowed in a way that more communication and neighborhood relations can be established.
3- Sub-division
Subdivision is an important tool for creating quality spaces where people feel safe and for bringing the design to a human scale. At this point, it is important to determine the Public-Semi-Public-Private areas.

Design of Public - Semi-Public - Private Spaces
The sine qua non prerequisite for the creation of a healthy living space and the proper establishment of neighborhood and neighborly relations is the balance of public, semi-public and private spaces and how they are resolved. These relationships are addressed separately in the project's relationship with the city, within the project area, in the residential blocks and within each apartment. Each scale has been analyzed in the most appropriate way for its own internal dynamics by considering the same balance.
The concept project, submitted to an invited competition, was selected first by its investor.
Project facts
Project name: Ankara Heights
Architectural office: rgg Architects
Project leaders: R.Güneş Gökçek & Önder Çolak
Project year: 2017
Location: Ankara
2019. Ankara Heights won the WA Award in the 30th Cycle of WA Awards 10+5+X in the "Designed" category, the awards are organized by the World Architecture Community. The project was selected by the votes of Honorary Members and Previous Winners in earlier cycles.
Project Gallery