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2019  Ankara Heights won the WA Award 10+5+X in the 30th Cycle, in "Designed" category

2015  Allaben Pond Restaurant Building won the WA Award 10+5+X in the 18th Cycle, in “Designed” category

2019  Ankara Office Tower awarded with 2018 Honor Award for Design Excellence by the Boston Society Of Architects/AIA


2018  Ankara Office Tower won the “Best High-Rise Building” at the 2018 International Awards by the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

2017  Ankara Office Tower won the “Best Tall Building” at The Architecture MasterPrize (formerly AAP)

2017  Bağlum Community Center won the WA Award 10+5+X in the 26th Cycle, in “Realized” category.

2023 31/23 won the Işıklar Tuğla award.

2017  Kızılelma won the WA Award 10+5+X in the 24th Cycle, in “Designed” category

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