Coffee Capsule Unit
Ankara / Turkey, 2018
The Coffee Capsule unit was designed for different branches of coffee company “Coffee Capsule”, which serves in Ankara's different locations such as METU and Bilkent University.

With its easy-to-build, easily dismountable and reinstallable feature, this unit is an example of how a commercial unit can be minimized with a minimum footprint on the earth. The prefabricated unit, which looks like a container, and does not look like a commercial unit with its wooden wavy panels wrapped around its facade, transforming itself into a mass that brightens itself like a "light coil" at night when the panels act like a curtain. This commercial container, which struggles to be indeterminate and indefinite, also stands out with its ability to differentiate and function according to its place.
Project facts
Project name: Coffee Capsule Unit
Location: METU, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
Design year: 2018
Architectural office: rggA
Design: R. Güneş Gökçek

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