Cancer Research Laboratory
Çankırı / Turkey, 2010
The building is situated in the new campus of Çankırı University. The first building of the development is the Central Research Laboratories that are stated as a total area of 20.000m2 in the master plan. These laboratories include two different research centers; cancer research and food laboratories. The building is designed as 2 wings in order to separate user and service circulation and these wings are connected with public entrance hall and multipurpose meeting room.
The main principle of the design is flexibility. The building axes are equally divided in order to respond different and changing needs. Thus, every laboratory can enlarge without causing any change on the facade design. Vertical continuity in the building character is emphasized with using precast concrete façade panels.
Project facts
Architectural design: R.Güneş Gökçek
Architectural office: YPM
Project team: Hatice Baştabak, Bora Yıldırım, Birkan Sevinç, Birkan Sevinç, Artem Kolomeichuk, Mustafa Taşdemir
Project date: 2010
Construction area: 3.166 m2
Structural project: Dr. Gökhan Tunç
Electrical project: Dilek Akmeşe
Mechanical project: Gökhan Bulut
Landscape architect: Erkan Erdoğan
Project Gallery