International Baghdad University
Baghdad / Iraq, 2010
The Republic of Iraq, after a long period of destabilization, is getting back to normal life every day. Now, it is the time to develop the future human resources of the country. In this road map, higher education institutions are the back bones of the development and stability. Their role is extremely important. With a rich heritage of higher education we believe in that the restructuring will take place soon under the leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and a new era of universities will nourish in the region.

With these concerns a unique Masterplan Design has been developed for a new University in Iraq. The contemporary world trends and the up-going education system reflec- tions to campus design of International University of Baghdad have been provided.
International University of Iraq is designed as a smart educatinal village.
University master plan study is an identity determining study at the same time. Building designs have 2 main criteria 1- Climate: Controlled openings and Courtyards. 2- Materials: Bricks are used together with reinforced concrete’s pure, simple and modern effects. Designing university campuses is not only designing buildings, but also spaces. Well-de-signed spaces gives enhanced living standarts.
Project facts
Masterplan: R.Güneş Gökçek
Architectural office: YPM
Project team: Evrim Özlem Kale, Yusuf Molla, Bora Yıldırım Birkan Sevinç,Tunç Kayıkçı
Education consultant: Ruhi Kaykayoğlu
Project date: 2010
Land area: 1.072.200 m2
Construction area: 564.000 m2
Project Gallery